Cervo Dienstverolening /work in the Netherlands
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Autor Téma: Cervo Dienstverolening /work in the Netherlands  (Přečteno 19356 krát)
Cervo Dienstverlening

Karma: 0
Příspěvků: 2

« : Květen 21, 2015, 11:22:51 am »

Cervo Dienstverlening - We are a Dutch company, we are operating in the labor market for many years
( www.cervo-dienstverlening.nl)
We employ workers from across of Europe to different jobs.
We arrange all the necessary documents allowing it to work legally in the Netherlands but also:
- accommodation (for a fee)
- coordinator care
- insurance
- transport

We can communicate in several languages:  Polish, English, Slovak  and Dutch

If you're talking in one of these languages and you are interested to start  a job in the Netherland send pleas your CV in English to this address:

We will contact  you
Cervo Dienstverlening

Karma: 0
Příspěvků: 2

« Odpověď #1 : Květen 21, 2015, 02:07:24 pm »

Cervo Dienstverlening - We are a Dutch company, we are operating in the labor market for many years
( www.cervo-dienstverlening.nl)
We employ workers from across of Europe to different jobs.
We arrange all the necessary documents allowing it to work legally in the Netherlands but also:
- accommodation (for a fee)
- coordinator care
- insurance
- transport

We can communicate in several languages:  Polish, English, Slovak  and Dutch

If you're talking in one of these languages and you are interested to start  a job in the Netherland send pleas your CV in English to this address:

We will contact  you
Stran: [1]   Nahoru
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